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1 - Challenge code and Description

Your metallic body might have advanced targeting systems, but hitting a target is not just about technical proficiency.
To truly master the art of targeting, you must learn to trust your instincts and develop a keen sense of intuition.
During this training, you will emerge as a skilled marksman who can hit the targets with deadly precision.
It's about time to train and prove yourself in the Shooting Area, can you make it?


pragma solidity ^0.8.18;

import {ShootingArea} from "./ShootingArea.sol";

contract Setup {
    ShootingArea public immutable TARGET;

    constructor() {
        TARGET = new ShootingArea();

    function isSolved() public view returns (bool) {
        return TARGET.firstShot() && TARGET.secondShot() && TARGET.thirdShot();


pragma solidity ^0.8.18;

contract ShootingArea {
    bool public firstShot;
    bool public secondShot;
    bool public thirdShot;

    modifier firstTarget() {
        require(!firstShot && !secondShot && !thirdShot);

    modifier secondTarget() {   
        require(firstShot && !secondShot && !thirdShot);

    modifier thirdTarget() {
        require(firstShot && secondShot && !thirdShot);

    receive() external payable secondTarget {
        secondShot = true;

    fallback() external payable firstTarget {
        firstShot = true;

    function third() public thirdTarget {
        thirdShot = true;

2 - Solution

Accoring to this code section, to solve this challenge the 3 state variables firstShot, secondShot, thirdShot should be set to True

function isSolved() public view returns (bool) {
    return TARGET.firstShot() && TARGET.secondShot() && TARGET.thirdShot();

We know that we can not change state variables of a contract directly and because we doon't have any setter function for these variables the only way to change their values is through fallback, receive, third function\ third function is a normal function but fallback and receive are special functions which will be triggered in special conditions and we can not call them directly\ According to this video fallback and receive can be triggered when facing errors like the calling function does not exist or lack of crypto-currency ...

If we wanna try to send a custom transaction with arbitrary data we will encounter error which we can use to trigger fallback and receive function\ Also one more important issue about the code is that we have three modifiers named firstTarget, secondTarget, thirdTarget.\ According to this link, A midifier puts some conditions on a function. If the conditions are met the function would be executed else not.\

If we look at the modifiers, fallback function is dependant on firstTarget modifier which tells us in order to this fallback function be executed all state variables firstShot, secondShot, thirdShot should be False\ Like that the receive function is dependant on secondTarget modifier which indicates that in order to trigger receive function the firstShot state variable should set to True And the third function is dependant on thirdTarget modifier which indicates that in order to call that function the firstShot and secondShot state variable should set to True.

So to brief all we should trigger these 3 functions in this order 1. fallback 2. receive 3. third

Let's first get connection infomation from second service

nc 31860
1 - Connection information
2 - Restart Instance
3 - Get flag
action? 1

Private key     :  0xf1b75a27cee0e379746277b990bb7987815fd720d9fbbbbd0115b75d334c0272
Address         :  0x880D2D46b194678fe1990E0c859F0bEdB2A87F6f
Target contract :  0x5094b5864dbB733a98E2A201fd7419F4e908be7B
Setup contract  :  0xFc5becb1a0026dd785AbCe82b52A31045164E2CF

For first and second shot which is fallback and receive function I used web3py:

from web3 import Web3

url = ''
wallet = '0x880D2D46b194678fe1990E0c859F0bEdB2A87F6f'
target = '0x5094b5864dbB733a98E2A201fd7419F4e908be7B'

w3 = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider(url))

# First Shot
# This transaction will trigger fallback because it has data
w3.eth.send_transaction({'to': target, 'from': wallet, 'data':'abcd'})

# Second Shot
# This transaction will trigger receive because it has no data
w3.eth.send_transaction({'to': target, 'from': wallet})

And for the third shot which is a normal function and we can call it directly I used web3 cli The address is ShootingArea contact address

web3 contract call --address '0x5094b5864dbB733a98E2A201fd7419F4e908be7B' --abi ShootingArea.abi --function third

After all these we can get the flag

nc 31860
1 - Connection information
2 - Restart Instance
3 - Get flag
action? 3

And here is the flag
